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Our Church Needs a New Roof


We are a church of 17 members and our roof is leaking. Years of ice, snow, and sun have taken their toll. Projected costs are at least $38,150. After much prayer, we stepped out in faith and were approved for a loan from the Pacific Union. We've raised an initial $26,714.97.

With God's help, our own sacrificial giving, and help from friends like you, we believe it's possible to fund the remaining $11,435.03 without the burden of loan repayment. Any additional funds received will be used to pay for unforeseen costs and/or upgrading other deteriorating parts of the church facility, such as new windows and pews.

We believe God wants us to take care of His sanctuary and feel His calling to be ready to accommodate increased membership, both through our ongoing evangelistic efforts, and future Seventh-day Adventists moving into our remote valley.

Will you help?

You may send a check to: "Building Fund," at Surprise Valley Church, PO Box 476, Cedarville, CA 96104


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